
Privacy Policy

Rachayati Realtors & Developers Privacy Policy

We collect basic information and data about the visitors to our site with the Google Analytics tool to monitor the traffic and usage of the website. This includes but is not limited to the visitor’s country, internet connection and speed, duration of visit, pages visited, operating system, and screen resolutions and colours. Although, no personal data such as name, email or other contact information.

This information is used in our website content. It is used to contact visitors for marketing purposes and is not shared with any third-party organization.

We use cookies to record session information of the visitors, which do not store any personal information or browsing habits.
Personal information is only collected when the visitor submits a form on our website. These forms are there on the website for the visitors to make enquiries about the properties or services.

by submitting your contact details, you are agreeing to be contacted regarding any special offer or new properties and services.

You can reach us regarding our website’s privacy policy via:
Email: sale.rachayati@gmail.com
Phone: 7030193838

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